ДОТУ – Открытый Университет Жизнеречения

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The Fundamentals of Sociology (2016 edition)

Volume 1

  • Preface from translators
  • Foreword
  • Chapter 1. Overview of the thematics of the course
    1. Consequences of sociological ignorance: in the life of the individual and in the life of society
    2. Subject domain of sociology and its branches
    3. Metrological consistency of science and metrological inconsistency of pseudoscientific theories. Dimensions and evaluations.
    4. The subjectivism of the researcher in sociology as a source of knowledge and as a source of errors
    5. Freedom of Research in Sociology and restrictions on the dissemination of information of a sociological character
    6. The applied character of sociology and two mutually exclusive tasks, which it can solve
    7. Interconnections: psychology of the personality and society; religiosity and atheism in the life of society; theory and practice of cognition; the principle «practice is the criterion of truth»; the Sufficiently General Theory of Governance; declarations and practice of self-governance of society and organization of governance towards collectives

Part 1. Introduction to psychological fundamentals of the practice of cognition and creativity

  • Chapter 2. World-understanding, worldview: types
    1. What «The Glocky Kouzdress» of Academician L.V. Shcherba allows one to understand
      • The main task when studying the course «Fundamentals of Sociology»
    2. Types of worldview and world-understanding
    3. The functional purpose of the worldview and world-understanding in the psyche of the individual and the question of the effectiveness of different types worldview and world-understanding.
    4. Functionality of worldviews and world-understandings of different types
  • Chapter 3. Ultimate generalizations = primary differences: these are the foundations of world-understanding
    1. Worldview division of society
    2. Ultimate generalizations = primary differences
    3. I-centrism: substance, spirit, space, time
    4. Unchangingness of ultimate generalizations of I-centrism in history, its vices and consequences
    5. I-centrism and prerequisites to atheism and religiosity
    6. An example of an esoteric alternative to I-centrism
    7. The Worldview of the triunity of matter-information-measure
    8. More illustrations of the triunity of matter-information-measure
    9. The transition from I-centrism to the worldview of the triunity of matter-information-measure
  • Chapter 4. The structure of the personal, and the generation of the collective psyche
    1. The main task of psychology as a socially useful applied science
    2. Claims against historically formed traditions of psychology
    3. Two-level model of the psyche: consciousness and the unconscious — modes of interaction
    4. Nraviousness
    5. Emotions and emotion-meaning structure
    6. Process-obraz and discrete-logical thinking
    7. Types of psyche structure
    8. Generation of collective psyche by individuals (egregors) and the interaction of a personality and egregors
  • Chapter 5. Theory and practice of cognition as the basis of creativity
    1. The original question of psychology as a science
    2. Distinction as an ability
    3. Successive stages of processing of primary information in the psyche of an individual
    4. Various schemes of informational processing in the process of interaction of the individual with life circumstances
    5. The question of the methodology of cognition and creativity and the principle «practice is the criterion of truth»
    6. Personal culture of dialectical cognition
    7. The hypothesis about the being of God and the practice of life: faith as a component of the worldview and world-understanding, nravious-ethical conditionality of the results of cognitive-creative activity
    8. Another aspect of the manifestation of the principle «practice is the criterion of truth»: «according to your faith, be it unto you»
    9. The best emotion-meaning structure
    10. Mastering the method of dialectical cognition and the tandem principle of activity
    11. Freedom of the process of dialectical cognition from the formulations of the «laws of dialectics»
    12. Summary of Chapter 5
    13. Afterword to Chapter 5:
      «Pluralism of opinions» as an expression of cognitive-creative inconsistency

Part 2. The Sufficiently General Theory of Governance (SGTG) and several aspects of governerial practice

  • Chapter 6. The sufficiently general theory of governance (in summary)
    1. Governance as such and the sufficiently general theory of governance
    2. Tasks of theory of governance
    3. The entire function of governance
    4. Stability in terms of the predictability of behaviour
    5. Vectors: objectives, states, errors of governance, their correlation
    6. Quality of governance and optimality
    7. Enclosed systems and schemes of governance
    8. Methods of governance: structural, in supersystems — structureless and on the basis of virtual structures
    9. Balancing modes and maneuvers
    10. Concept of similarity theories
    11. Informational-algorithmic security — stability of governance under the impact of purpose-orientedly created interference
    12. About supersystems and processes in them
    13. The method of dynamic programming: as such, its symbolism and entrance into the practice of governance
    14. Summary of Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7. Project governance, apparatus of network planning and some other questions
    1. The art of governance towards collective activity
    2. Representation of a project in the form of a network model and network planning apparatus
    3. Ensuring metrological consistency of governance on the basis of network models
    4. Organizational staff structure of the enterprise as an instrument of governance
    5. Profile network model of the enterprise
    6. The art of governance, the entire function of governance, profile network model, the building of organizational staff structures «from scratch» and diagnostics of existing ones
    7. Network models in the solution of tasks of optimization of organization of activity
    8. Social needs and real practice of governance
    9. Psychological foundations for entrance into governance
  • Glossary of Terms

Volume 2

Part 3. Life of humanity: crowd-“elitism” — historical-political reality and prospects (Book 1)

  • Chapter 8. The global historical process in its concretics
    1. The problematics of research in the field of history
    2. Different versions of world history
    3. Globalization: objectiveness of the process and the problematics of subjectivism in governance towards it
    4. The conception of governance towards historically real globalization
    5. The entire function of governance in relation to society: specialized types of powers, generalized means of governance/weaponry, and «non-zero-sum games»
    6. Organization of governance towards the biblical global-political project
    7. The biblical project: the essence of a human and the essence of fascism
  • Chapter 9. Crowd-“elitism” as a mode of existence of society
    1. Crowd-“elitism”: crowd, “elite” and the «insidious nobody»
    2. The principle of “elitization”: the self-conceit of the “elitarians” and their true essence
    3. The internal structure of the “elite” and its interrelationship with society
    4. The power of the znakharic corporations in a crowd-“elite” society
    5. Democratic procedures in conditions of crowd-“elitism” — imitation of people’s power
  • Appendix 1.
    Operation «Exodus»
  • Appendix 2.
    Marxism — a secular version of the biblical project for the enslavement of humanity
  • Glossary of Terms

Volume 3

Part 3. The life of humanity: crowd-“elitism” — Historical-political reality and prospects (Book 2)

  • Chapter 10. Crowd-“elitism”: biological prerequisites and cultural bonds
    1. The pan-biological and the specifically human in the life of civilization: individual, society, culture, «mysticism» — the interconnections
      1. Interaction of the population with the living environment
      2. The specifics of humanity
      3. The individual in the process of personal development
    2. Evaluation of changes in the statistics of types of psyche structure in the history of Rus’ — Russia — USSR — post-Soviet Russian Federation
      1. A little something about primary Rus’ and the primary Russian character
      2. Evaluations of statistics from different eras
    3. Culturological shells of the animal type of psyche structure
    4. «Opium of the people»: pseudo-religions versus true religiosity
    5. Egregorial religions and the biblical project for the enslavement of mankind
      1. The Teaching of Christ: without censorship and «editing»
    6. Science
      1. Conceptional conditionality of science
      2. Science and pseudoscience
      3. Philosophical tuning fork
      4. Governance towards science in the biblical project
    7. The system of education
    8. Bureaucracy
    9. The cult of vices
      1. The cult of vices as a generator and stimulator of biological degeneration
      2. The cult of vices as an instrument for the monopolization of power
  • Chapter 11. Futurelessness of crowd-“elitism” — an objective givenness
    1. Suicidal prejudice
    2. Worldly «wise» «pragmatism-realism» — is the path to global fascism
      1. Prerequisites
      2. «Instantaneous» fascisation
      3. Spravedlivost or non-spravedlivost?
      4. «Creeping» fascisation
      5. Puppet tyranny of jurists against the dictatorship of sovest
    3. The change in the ratio of the standard frequencies of biological and social time and its consequences
      1. The change in the ratio of the standard frequencies of biological and social time
      2. Factors of maintenance of stability of crowd-“elitism” with the previous ratio of standard frequencies of biological and social time
      3. Pan-biospheric mechanism of natural selection as a factor of self-destruction of crowd-“elitism” in the era after the change in the ratio of the standard frequencies of biological and social time
    4. The final illusion of crowd-“elitism”: artificially stopping social-political development
  • Appendix 3.
    The overcoming of Christianity by the «world behind the scenes»: political technologies and result
    1. About the political technology of replacing Christianity with evil design
    2. The dogma of the «Trinity» and its consequences
    3. «Whoso readeth, let him understand»: «I will have mercy, and not sacrifice» came to pass
      • Digression: It was not Christ who called Saul on the road to Damascus
    4. God is not indifferent to, not non-participatory in, what is happening on Earth
  • Glossary of Terms

Volume 4

Part 4. Humanness and the path to it (Book 1)

  • Preface to Part 4
  • Chapter 12. About Love…
    1. About the unfeignability of Love
    2. About Love and about «love» — pseudo-Love
      1. About Love: different opinions
      2. The bond of perfectness
      3. Freedom — is only in Love
      4. Love does not tolerate lies
      5. Love and «fictitious humanism»
      6. The pitilessness of Love — is not Evil
      7. Knowledge and wisdom — are the basis for the functional capability of Love
  • Chapter 13. Ways of acquiring functional capability in Love
    1. Problems of scientific-methodological support of social development and state governance
    2. Great power that anyone can acquire
      1. Life consistent knowledge and selflessness — are the foundation of the free life of an individual and society
      2. «Autopilot» of matrix-egregorial governance
      3. Do not be a «knuckle» in other people’s «games» of «dominoes»
      4. «ЭР, ЭС, ТЭ» (ER, ES, TE): Rtsy slovo tvyordo (utter word firmly)…
  • Chapter 14. A little more about science, system of education, and self-education
    1. Canons and scientifically based methods for the solution of particular tasks
    2. Eras and the system of education
  • Appendix 4.
    Crypto-colonization: how it is done
  • Glossary of Terms

Volume 5

Part 4. Humanness and the path to it (Book 2)

  • Chapter 15. On the question of the «canon» for the setting and solution of the task of transition towards an eco-technological civilization
  • Chapter 16. Social-biological problems of our time and of the foreseeable prospects
  • Chapter 17. Man as a «biosocial» being
  • Chapter 18. Social-economic formation
    • Digression: How to comprehend the word «statistics»
  • Chapter 19. Social Institutions
    1. Family
    2. Statehood
    3. System of Education
      1. Results of the «development» of the system of education under the power of the biblical project
      2. What a school should be
    4. Science
  • Appendix 5.
    Speech theses of the Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation E.S. Nabiullina at the Moscow Urban Forum December 8th, 2011
  • Appendix 6.
    Fragment of the article by E.Sh. Bukh «Lesgaft and his theory of the formation of the nravious foundations of the personality»
  • Glossary of Terms

Volume 6

Part 4. Humanness and the path to it (Book 3)

  • Chapter 20. Spravedlivost as the eradication of the exploitation of «man by man»
    1. Civilizational choice: monkey «innate morality» or Spravedlivost
    2. Exploitation of «man by man» and multiculturalism
    3. Spravedlivost and propaganda
    4. Liberalism — enemy of Freedom
      1. Liberalism: «declaration of intentions» and really acting defaults
      2. Liberalism and civil society
      3. Liberalism as a variety of fascism
  • Chapter 21. Harmonization of interrelationships in a multicultural society
    1. Dead-end of bourgeois-liberal multiculturalism
    2. Bourgeois-liberal multiculturalism as a weapon of «hybrid warfare»
    3. Fundamentals of the theory of the national question
    4. National politics of Bolshevism — the formation of multinational humanness
      1. The essence of Bolshevism
      2. Ideals and their incarnation into life: algorithmics of social transformations
      3. National politics in the USSR: achievements and oversights
      4. The national politics of Bolshevism is alternativeless
  • Chapter 22. Way of life of an eco-technological civilization — landscape-estate urbanization
  • Chapter 23. On the economic support of social development and of the politics of the state
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 7.
    Experiment «Universe-25»
  • Appendix 8.
    Political technology «Overton Window»
  • Appendix 9.
    «LGBT» community and internazism
  • Appendix 10.
    A.S. Khomyakov: «To Russia» (1839)
  • Glossary of Terms

How and why are Scriptures made “sacred”?


  1. “The Second Gospel”
    • On the apostle Paul
    • On the history of Christianity
    • On the Bible and its components
    • On the writings of the church fathers
    • On Jews
  2. Time of the Black Madonna
    • On the state of pre-Christian Rus`
    • Economic prosperity and the cult of the Black Madonna
  3. The events in Europe after 1300
  4. How was the substitution made
    • The Council of Constance
    • The Council of Florence
    • The Council of Trent
    • Decisions of the Council of Trent
    • The Inquisition in the West
    • “Theoretical” basis for the Inquisition
    • The main heresies What is the essence?
    • The Bogomils (The Cathars)
    • The Arians and features of their religious doctrine
    • Interrelationship of Slavic religious doctrine with the Arianism, the Cathars and the Bogomils
    • Did dual faith exist in Russia?
  5. “Hybrid war” against Rus`
    • The Time of Troubles
    • Romanovs come to power
    • Creation of Rus` baptism myth – hand of the Vatican is obvious
    • When did Vladimir convert to the Christianity?
    • The Schism (Raskol)
    • On the role of the Greeks and natives of Kiev in organizing schism
    • The role of the Jews
    • Nikon
    • State of religion in Russia at the end of the XVII century
    • “Confession” by Ignatius of the Solovki
    • The Legislative codes against “blasphemy”
    • Signs of Catholicism, appeared in Russia in the XVII century
    • Each works for someone who understands more
    • At the time of Peter I
    • After Peter I
    • Nicholas I and the Catholics
    • Catholics, Greeks and Kiev Uniats have not coped with set tasks


A chat with Pushkin in cafe “At Biron”

– Certainly, someone tries to play a Trick on me, – thinks Gray-headed man, – is it for sure George who has decided to play this scene with an animator? I already have told him a joke about lunch for two persons. In addition, after my second visit this waiter asked me whom I was waiting for. And then I answered as a joke – for Pushkin. But this was already last winter. Yes, indeed, there is something unusual in this visitor, also he speaks with some strange intonations. But also, he does not look like the animators, whom are walking here to earn something on making photos for tourists. Well, if Pushkin was here by himself would the visitors of museum-room recognize him or they would accept him for ordinary animator, as me him now. And where has he come from? If he came from his apartment, but then there were plenty of tourists, the museum staff, guard. It seems, that in my desire to speak with poet I went too far. Of course, that was a joke, and I accept this animator as real Pushkin.
All these thoughts have appeared in one moment, but somewhere in a corner of the mind lurked a hope of miracle.
– Who knows maybe he is real… But nobody yet come back from there? And if this is him, then how was he able to come back to our time?
Meanwhile, the visitor ate scrambled eggs and merrily cast a glance on the neighbor.
– So many things I wanted to ask him, and can’t call to my mind something worthwhile. No, of course, he is not real Pushkin. Although, here you are the sideburns, and hair style, and clothes – seemingly everything is real.

Dead Water (2015 edition)

  • Part I Historical-philosophical outline
  • Preface to the 2018 edition
  • Preface to the 2011 edition
    1. The sufficiently general theory of governance: why is it necessary?
    2. Categories of the sufficiently general theory of governance
    3. Stability in terms of predictability
    4. Prognostics, prophecies and realization of the sole variant for the future
    5. Governance: quality and optimality
    6. Enclosed systems
    7. Methods of governance: structural, in supersystems — structureless and on the basis of virtual structures
    8. Stability of governance
    9. Schemes of governance
    10. The entire function of governance, intellect (individual and sobornal)
    11. Maneuvers and balancing modes, principles of juxtaposition and identification of similarity
    12. Maneuvers and catastrophe theory
    13. Processes in supersystems: possibilities of flow
      1. The concept of supersystems
      2. Mastering the potential of development
      3. Auto-synchronization of processes in supersystems
      4. Sobornal intellect in supersystems
      5. Internal conflicts of governance in the supersystem
      6. The principle of complementarity of information and conceptionally non-determined governance as a special kind of conflict of governances
      7. Restoration of governance towards the supersystem as an integral whole
      8. Mutually nested supersystems with virtual structure
    14. Entrance into governance
    • Theology of Russian civilization (supplement 2000)
  • Part II Inscription
      • Opera and Russian circle dance
      • General words
      • Mathematical description of product exchange and governance
      • Problem of descriptions
      • The method of dynamic programming as the algorithmic expression of the sufficiently general theory of governance
      • State-superconcern as an economic and political expression of the unity and holisticness of society
      • Nravious conditionality of socio-economic theories
  • Appendix.
    Court Materials
    • A masterpiece of juridical absurdism: a non-existent book has been added to the «extremist list»!
  • What the CSS is in brief
  • List of the main works of the collective of authors «The Internal Predictor of the USSR»

The Last Gambit

The 21st century has just started and immediately an important event has happened. The reaction on it was so outstanding and violent that one can surely say – there wasn’t such striking occurrence during the 20th century peacetime. Only the laziest hasn’t told his opinion on the events of September 11, 2001, on that tragedy that shocked the world. There was told much, but few has been made clear. Is America a victim? Or has it “punished” itself? Why there are so much secrets and mystical coincidences about this tragedy? And could it be parts of some plot rather than coincidences? And what is the plot and who stands behind?
The great-grandsons of famous Conan-Doyle’s characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are trying to find out the cause of the skyscrapers destruction and clear up some details of the incident. During their investigation they solve this one and other mysteries of the last decades.

The genre of this book is called “mystical-philosophical political detective story”. It tells about important information on world-view and on ruling, acquaints a reader with the “backstage” hidden motives of the world’s events, narrates about secret means of ruling the social processes.
Extraordinary chances use to recur.
Karel Čapek.

There is nothing casual. Chance is something beyond one’s comprehension.
Michael Liteman.

«The Master and Margarita»: Hymn to Demonism? Or Gospel of Selfless Faith

  • Preface from Translators
  1. An absurd posing of the question?..
  2. Patriarchal dammed ponds
  3. There are no evil people in the world
  4. Theology of Russian civilization
  5. Cowardice — is the worst of the vices…
  6. God is not in might, but in Pravda
  7. Why didn’t Muhammad take down the Quran with his own hand?
  8. People and the word: the word alive and word dead
  9. I begged him: burn your parchment for God’s sake! But he snatched it from my hands and ran away
  10. Two gods of one Bible
  11. Prophet’s pomp and lofty claim
    • The Doctrine of Deuteronomy-Isaiah
    • Digression 1: About concepts, world-understanding, mutual understanding
  12. The New Slander as a continuation of the Old Slander
  13. «Whoso readeth, let him understand»: «I will have mercy, and not sacrifice» came to pass
    • Digression 2: It was not Christ who called Saul on the road to Damascus
  14. Mountains and seas are before you once more, fly, my swallow, fly…
  • Afterword
    1. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…
    2. L.N. Tolstoy. Why are the Christian peoples in general, and the Russian people most especially, now in a troubled situation?
    3. Istina about the fact that the head aches?
  • Glossary of Terms

Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness

(Alternative principles of globalization)

This work concerns the outlook on economy and social life belonging to two men who are usually thought to be very different. The first one is Henry Ford I, founder and head of «Ford Motors Company», one of the world’s largest automotive corporations. The other one is Joseph Stalin — a politician, sociologist and economist, whose world understanding and will were embodied in the foundation and prime of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the «superstate № 2» of the 20th century, the «super concern» state.

Despite what used to be taught at schools about the fight between capitalism and socialism those two people share a similar view on normal social life. The difference lies in Henry Ford’s focusing mainly on microeconomy and relations between people as employees of a single enterprise, avoiding the issues of macroeconomy and building state institutions, while Joseph Stalin concentrated on the issues of developing political economy as a science, on cultural transformation and arranging the macroeconomy by the scheme of a «super concern» state, leaving the microeconomic issues to society’s creative force.

Thus they in fact complement each other and therefore pave the way to uniting the people of Russia and America as well as the people of the world in a common culture based on morals and ethics of a conscientious laborer.

But contemporaries as well as descendants refused to understand both of them. And the world has paid for this reluctance to understand with World War II followed by the «cold war» between NATO and the USSR and with the deformed globalization that is currently taking place.

Though this work quotes both Ford and Stalin extensively where it is necessary, those are merely quotations. Their heritage should be studied not by quotations but by their works in order to form a complete and coherent understanding of who and in what way was wrong or right.

But if the heritage of Ford and Stalin is understood, expanded and realized then the historic perspective of all peoples will acquire a new, a better quality…

To Understanding of Macroeconomу of State and World

To Understanding of Macroeconomу of State and World

Both existing and possible economic theories may be ranged into one of the two following categories:

The first group of theories describes the economy of a society in a way, which implies the need to give the answer to the question how an entrepreneur can legally fill up his pockets.
The second group describes the economy of a society in a way, which implies that the economic activities in the society are to be used as a means of approaching some other, fundamentally noneconomic, goals.

  1. Introduction to the Topic
  2. On macroeconomics and microeconomics – in an objective and considerate way
    1. Target macroeconomic parameters and the macrolevel managerial tasks
    2. The purpose of finance-and-credit system and distortion of its functions
    3. What is what in credit-and-finance system. Credit-and-finance system as the means of production and distribution management
    4. Rates of exchange: relative and absolute
  3. Ownership
  4. Afterwards