ДОТУ – Открытый Университет Жизнеречения

«The Master and Margarita»: Hymn to Demonism? Or Gospel of Selfless Faith

Main page / Books
  • Preface from Translators
  1. An absurd posing of the question?..
  2. Patriarchal dammed ponds
  3. There are no evil people in the world
  4. Theology of Russian civilization
  5. Cowardice — is the worst of the vices…
  6. God is not in might, but in Pravda
  7. Why didn’t Muhammad take down the Quran with his own hand?
  8. People and the word: the word alive and word dead
  9. I begged him: burn your parchment for God’s sake! But he snatched it from my hands and ran away
  10. Two gods of one Bible
  11. Prophet’s pomp and lofty claim
    • The Doctrine of Deuteronomy-Isaiah
    • Digression 1: About concepts, world-understanding, mutual understanding
  12. The New Slander as a continuation of the Old Slander
  13. «Whoso readeth, let him understand»: «I will have mercy, and not sacrifice» came to pass
    • Digression 2: It was not Christ who called Saul on the road to Damascus
  14. Mountains and seas are before you once more, fly, my swallow, fly…
  • Afterword
    1. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…
    2. L.N. Tolstoy. Why are the Christian peoples in general, and the Russian people most especially, now in a troubled situation?
    3. Istina about the fact that the head aches?
  • Glossary of Terms