ДОТУ – Открытый Университет Жизнеречения

The long-term strategy to overcome Koranic Islam with the help of wheeler – dealers of the Biblical Project

One of the main cultural problem of the global scale for the Biblical project wheeler-dealers is the Koranic Islam.
The very reason of this problem is explained by the fact that the global and political doctrine, the basis for the Western policy, is based on two statements:

  • The thesis of Judaism predominance over the rest people and the obligation of other people to be tolerant towards them;
  • The buying up of the whole world with its inhabitants and property on the basis of Jewish corporative transnational monopoly on usury.

In spite of the fact that these statements are not directly mentioned, they are being strictly implemented.

Koran denies the Judaism predominance doctrine over the rest people and the usury is under a strict ban and is characterized as a kind of Satanism. These statements are not practically used in the political life of Muslims, based on the alternative concept different to the Biblical slavery concept , the Western wheeler-dealers understand that Koran – is the potential threat to their global power regime imposition. This explains their desire to leave Koran in its historical legacy.

One of the ways to resolve “the problem of Islam” for the Western wheeler-dealers – is multiway policy:

Global crisis root cause: just economy or biblical culture?

The fact, that nowadays human society and computer networks are both informational sys-tems, allows us to draw analogies between them. As operating system is the core element of any computer network, culture with its norms and values, in the same way, is a key element of any soci-ety. Just as operating system is comprehensive to applications, the culture is comprehensive to eco-nomics of a society. In other words people build their trade networks and maintain their relationships according to cultural norms and moral values deriving from culture. So in order to get to the root of current global malfunction we need to understand the dominating culture, in other words our culture on bible platform.

Architecture of bible-based culture contains several components. The base is encrypted and cannot be accessed by the majority of users/general public. However, to allow resolution of various routine tasks there is an “admin” group with more rights that has access to a console, whose log is translated in a document also known as “Old testament”. In order to provide small group of develop-ers with outstanding rights over any common user, the platform provides them with special functional options, which are not documented for informational security reasons. From common user’s point of view developers’ functions/abilities are often perceived as “MIRACLE”. Common user has access only to attractive but functionally limited program shell, which is accessible anywhere in the world, doesn’t require specific user skills or knowledge, has friendly interface and allows solving basic tasks. Common users know it as “New testament”. To increase number of users and enhance world-wide coverage this program was adapted to national specifics and rebranded as “Orthodox”, “Ca-tholicism”, “Protestantism”, “Socialism” etc. Rights of commercial distribution and management of these brands were transferred to a few closed organizations formed and functioning by same princi-ples as closed corporations. From time to time common users are shown elections of board members and board heads of those corporations.

“About the current moment” №11(83), November 2008. Bureaucratic despair in Russia and global project “Obama”

  1. Russia’s place in the global crisis
    1. Key question to Russian and foreign bureaucracy with an answer
    2. Kingdom divided against itself…
  2. «Obama» — a project of global deceit
    1. Why Obama and not someone else? — some aspects
      1. Aspect of internal politics
      2. One of the aspects of foreign politics
    2. Forbidden questions in public politics of USA and Russia
      1. The original sin of statehood
      2. Fairness in the life of society: political ethics — mercenary or work
      3. An individual and culture
    3. Top secret: mentality of state power in the USA and in Russia
    4. Barack Obama is not free…
      1. Obama and Freedom
      2. Globalization and the United States: issues of president Obama
      3. Bible – slave’s shackles
    5. Prospective relationship between USA and Russia

“About the current moment” №2(74), February 2008. Authority as an obstacle for personal and social development

At the end of January – beginning of February 2008 “Russia” TV-channel has two times shown the film “The Fall of the Empire. The Byzantium Lesson”, filmed by “the pastor” archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov, who has been raised to the rank of V. V. Putin’s “personal confessor” by mass-media), and who has got a cinematographic education. According to the concept of Byzantium history stated in the film, in the history of Russian Empire – USSR – post-Soviet RusZionia those cultural and political mistakes, which by Tikhon’s opinion have brought Byzantium to ruin, have been repeated in many aspects. The main mistake (in his representation) is the of Empire people’s apostasy of the so-called “orthodox faith” that caused numerous mistakes – consequences of that “principal mistake”.

In press (which in present RusZionia, as in 1980-90th, is still overwhelmed by the spirit of liberalism so the West is “all light in window” for them) all the discussion on film was reduced to the following. Reproaching Tikhon of tendentious interpretation of the history of the Byzantium society and its mutual relations with the outer world; indicating several actual mistakes and discrepancies; charging that the film groundlessly tries to convince RusZionian people that the West is the pathological enemy of Russia during all the history.

Actually the film has the indisputable advantage which hasn’t been noticed by liberal critics. It states the question: What defects does the so-called “Orthodoxy” have? The defects, since which the Byzantium society, based on the “Orthodox” worldview and world-understanding , wasn’t able to solve actual social and state problems in proper times and tried to find ready receipts at the West during thousand-year history of “East Rome empire”? In fact the, the same repeats as well in the history of Russia, which had accepted the “main treasure” of Byzantium – the so-called “Orthodox faith” (as it is stated in the film).

Without answering this question or without accusing its inconsistency perspectives of Russia’s revival as the society self-sufficient in the aspect of meaning of life – are vague. I.e. “the Time of Troubles ” as a crash of the historically formed culture may repeat.

On the Discharge of the Destructive Anti-Russian Matrix

1. The Provocation

“The Kommersant Ъ” newspaper N 230 (3806) (Dec 13, 2007) published the article “Americans Imagine a World without Putin”In Russian it is called: “Russia and the world will be shocked by Vladimir Putin’s Murder”. with subheading “The future of Russia studied”http://www.kommersant.com/p835684/futurology/.

The article begins with following notification:
“A report called ‘Alternative Futures for Russia’http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/071210-Russia_2017-web.pdf will be issued in Washington today by the authoritative nonprofit Center for Strategic and International Studieshttp://www.csis.org/. Besides the usual criticism of democracy in Russia, some parts of the report are downright fantastic. One of the alternative futures the report contains is a scenario built around the possible assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putinhttp://www.kremlin.ru/eng/ on January 7, 2008, in Moscow.According to the prognosis, Putin’s assassins will not be revealed and Russia will fall into chaos. This will cause the stock-market collapse. Mass strikes and demonstrations will arise and will lead to the state of emergency declaration on February 20, 2008. After that Vladimir Yakunin (Russian Railways’ (RZD) president) will become the President of Russian Federation. By his order striking oil workers in Surgut (West Siberia) will be shot, and the Majors of Saint-Petersburg (Valentina Matvienko) and Moscow (Juri Luzhkov) will be sentenced to death for misappropriation of billions of dollars. (Look at the publication at www.newsru.com: “The author of ‘Putin’s murder on Christmas’: Relatively positive scenario with enough positive final tends to realize in Russia during following 10 years” (http://newsru.com/Russia/24dec2007/catchins.html) – this footnote was added on December 31, 2007). Kommersanthttp://www.kommersant.ru/ Washington correspondent Dmitry Sidorov has read the report.

The authors of the 59-page report are director of the CSIS Russia and Eurasia program Andrew Kuchins, former senior director for Russian affairs at the National Security Council Thomas Graham, Assistant Professor of International Affairs at George Washington University Henry Hale, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics Anders Aslund and others. On the report’s cover are five photographs: Russian President Vladimir Putin with the G8 leaders, Putin with the Chinese President Hu Jintao, the recent arrest of Other Russia leader Garri Kasparov, snow-covered oil wells and children in a computer class.”

2. How to regard with this?

“About the current moment” №9(57), September 2015. The Future of the Humankind: The Dictatorship of Conscience or the Tyranny of Bible Owners

In the analytical note there are cited several significant mass media publications regarding the reaction of Muslim countries on the speech made by the Pope Benedict XVI on September 12, 2006. In that speech he told about the Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos’s opinion on Islam and Muhammad. The discords between the historically formed Judaism, Christianity and Islam in sociology, in organisation of the life of society, in economics and theological questions are shown. It is noted, that those discords of the historically formed confessions follows from and thus express people’s fictions, self-interest of ruling “elites” and their backstage supervisors. With it, if one considers the conscience to be God’s voice addressed directly to man’s soul, then taking religious traditions as an indisputable truth, free from perversions and mistakes, suppresses the voice of conscious and makes an individual deaf to the call of God.

This peculiarity of the traditional confessions together with their discords in sociological and theological-dogmatic questions poses a threat! It is so, since within the conditions of globalization the rousing of such excitement around return to traditions and adherence to them appears to be the way to a new World War. And the new war is necessary for the “world backstage” as a mean for discrediting Islam and Koran and finishing the biblical project of enslaving the mankind.

G8 Summit in Strelna

  1. The transformation of G7 into G8: goals and result
  2. G7 or UN -> Gx + UN?

About CPS (Conception of public safety) in brief

It can hardly be a secret that the modern civilization has accumulated a vast amount of problems, related not only to the ecological and biosphere crises, but in the social life one can see no kind of well-being. The matter is not only in somebody’s personal activity in depressing the biosphere and society – it is in passivity and inactivity of others! Moreover, aims announced by a government often differ greatly from those that the government really has. However, the execution of such control ((Control when the aims being achieved really differ from those, towards which a state power pretends to work, and results of control remain unknown even after their achievement; at the same time the declared aims are called “temporarily unachieved”, which may actually be the aim of control realized by other subjects.)) (management) can only take place in a society of people completely ignorant in politics and control (management). Phrases such as “What can I do by myself?” and “Let the government make everyone’s life better”, told by the millions, do not help in resolving problems. They just show one’s agreement with the existing situation – that they agree to be controlled; that they agree to some “elite” living better than others without any reasons for this; that they agree to not understand how society lives – as if their own life were independent from the life of all of humankind (obviously, that is not so).

Every society is controlled in one way or another, and therefore the global historical process may be perceived as a global process of control which, primarily, is comprised of and includes many processes of regional management (policies of regional states and international policies, forces which are not institutionalized within the state: mafias, Jewish diaspora), and secondly, proceeds within life processes of the Earth and Space that are hierarchically above it.

The Last Gambit

The 21st century has just started and immediately an important event has happened. The reaction on it was so outstanding and violent that one can surely say – there wasn’t such striking occurrence during the 20th century peacetime. Only the laziest hasn’t told his opinion on the events of September 11, 2001, on that tragedy that shocked the world. There was told much, but few has been made clear. Is America a victim? Or has it “punished” itself? Why there are so much secrets and mystical coincidences about this tragedy? And could it be parts of some plot rather than coincidences? And what is the plot and who stands behind?
The great-grandsons of famous Conan-Doyle’s characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are trying to find out the cause of the skyscrapers destruction and clear up some details of the incident. During their investigation they solve this one and other mysteries of the last decades.

The genre of this book is called “mystical-philosophical political detective story”. It tells about important information on world-view and on ruling, acquaints a reader with the “backstage” hidden motives of the world’s events, narrates about secret means of ruling the social processes.
Extraordinary chances use to recur.
Karel Čapek.

There is nothing casual. Chance is something beyond one’s comprehension.
Michael Liteman.